It can be a challenge to introduce more vegetables into your diet. RD’s Haas and Groat at UW Medicine provide their tips in their video and story.
Continue reading “UW Medicine’s tips for more veggies in your diet”
It can be a challenge to introduce more vegetables into your diet. RD’s Haas and Groat at UW Medicine provide their tips in their video and story.
Continue reading “UW Medicine’s tips for more veggies in your diet”
Soy sauce helps provide foods with that great umami flavor, but it may not be the most healthy aspect of your diet.
For example, a review of cancer causing aspects of diet published in the journal Carcinogenesis suggests that soybeans and soy sauce may contain nitrosamines that are associated with genetic mutation in lab animal studies.
Need a quick way to look up nutritional facts from just about anywhere, on any device? A few years ago Google began to implement nutrition data into it’s search tool. On the Google search website, simply enter a food name (it helps to add the word “nutrition” to the search too), and Google will respond with a sidebar that looks like a nutritional food label.
Continue reading “Google your Nutrition Facts? Yes, try a Google Search.”
There’s no single ideal method for assessing diet in research studies. The National Cancer Institute provides some helpful guidance on the pros and cons of different dietary assessment methods.
Let’s start with the Food Frequency Questionnaire — a questionnaire aimed at understanding the frequency and amount of consumption of different foods and beverages over a specified period of time. Usually, the questions are worded to assess consumption over the last month or year. So it’s a tool for getting at general diet characteristics for an individual or population group.
The traditional diet of of the Mediterranean region have long been studied due to the long life expectancies, low rates of heart disease and cancer, and chronic disease. A 2014 review paper by Castro-Quezada and colleagues from Spain describes some of the potential benefits found to be associated with this diet.
Continue reading “Decades of Research on the Mediterranean Diet”
Back in the day, the key to good nutrition, was finding balance — it still is. Today, USDA’s latest guide to help American’s find the right nutritional balance and make smart healthy choices in their lives is called MyPlate. Gone are the “food pyramids” of the 90s and early 2000s. Since 2011, USDA’s been providing guidance based on MyPlate.
Today the Bitesome Team is launching our mobile app. The Bitesome app helps people track their dietary patterns.
Tag your meal with useful details, like where and with whom you’re eating. Keep track of your meals — whether it’s fastfood, eating out, take-out, etc.
Search for food items from our database — or simply snap a picture if you want. See the chronology all the recent items you’ve consumed, along with detailed info on calories, fat, carbs, protein, fiber, and micronutrients.
You may have heard about the DASH diet. It was developed out of research conducted by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute at the US NIH to help people eat a more healthy diet — in particular helping lower sodium consumption for those with high blood pressure. Continue reading “The DASH Diet — Definitely Doable!”